Yash Patnaik, the visionary producer behind Inspire Films, has a remarkable trac...
The show will be exclusively streaming on ALTT and he is happy to be working wit...
This tragedy has not only highlighted the brutal nature of such crimes but also ...
The first episode revolves around Rituparna, a small town girl who runs a beauty...
"Bigg Boss" is known for its drama-filled episodes and intense interpersonal dyn...
Describing oneself can be complex and nuanced, often taking longer than expected...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], July 31: They say, you don’t take a shot…you mak...
Life is fast-paced, but Khushi feels 'me time' is also very important. She says,...
“I believe that Shravan is a period for deepening one's spiritual connection, re...
He explains that an injury prevented him from pursuing cricket, leading him to d...
Khushi, who is quite young in her life, studies in standard 11. She feels OTT i...
Arjun Bijlani's latest show, Laughter Chefs, has reached new heights of success ...
Hunky Dory continues to be a favorite among celebrities and locals alike, thanks...
A cute face and a hot body are a rare combination to find, and that’s what works...
‘Maharaj’, after reigning at #1 in India, Maldives, Mauritius, Bangladesh and Pa...
He told her not to make a big deal, she told him that she was not. However, she ...