Chandigarh : Zee Punjabi's vibrant show, "Rang Punjab De," is all set to witness a spellbinding live performance by the talented artists Seepi Jha and Swati Sharma. These acclaimed performers will captivate the audience with renditions of "Banno" and "Mere Naam Ki Jutti Kyo Nahi Lata," showcasing their musical prowess.
Moreover, beyond their musical talents, the duo will share profound insights into their life experiences, offering a glimpse into their inspiring journeys. Seepi Jha and Swati Sharma's narratives are poised to resonate deeply, shedding light on their struggles, triumphs, and the perseverance that brought them to the limelight.
Tune in to Zee Punjabi this Saturday at 7 PM to witness Seepi Jha and Swati Sharma's captivating live performance on "Rang Punjab De," a musical extravaganza that promises an unforgettable musical journey.